Our deepest sympathy to people in the easts struck by an unprecedented 9.0-magnitude earthquake on 11th March 2011, followed by disastrous tsunami and the serious and unpredictable condition of the affected nuclear power plant. We believe Japan will never give up and overcome difficulties from this record-breaking disaster.
Relief operations are now under way with the government mobilizing all its capabilities, and MLIT Takeo River Office dispatched our staffs total(47person・days) to places damaged by the earthquake and tsunami for technical (TEC-FORCE*) and logistical support to Tohoku Regional Bureau of MLIT and local (municipal) governments as follows (as of 9 May 2011).
TEC-FORCE (16person・days)
From 28 March 2011 to 3 April 2011, Ofunato-city, Iwate prefecture, recovery of public
telecommunication system through satellite lines
From 2 April 2011 to 10 April 2011, Ishinomaki-city, Miyagi prefecture, drainage pumping for flooded area by tsunami
Logistic support (31person・days)
From 31 March 2011 to 8 April 2011, Kamaishi-city, building temporary fire-fight office etc.
From 4 April 2011 to 12 April 2011, Ofunato-city, liaison for city office
From 6 April 2011 to 14 April 2011, Ofunato-city, transport service for TEC-FORCE
From 6 May 2011 to 9 May 2011, Ichinoseki-city, transport service
*note) TEC-FORCE is the scheme to provide technical assistance from the outside regional bureau of MLIT in response to major disasters since 2008. All MLIT regional bureaus, including Kyushu Regional Bureau, outside Tohoku and Kanto regions are now taking part in the scheme for the Great East Japan Earthquake.
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