Rokkakugawa River Basin Plan officially established

16 August 2012, MLIT authorized Rokkakugawa River Basin Plan after necessary process prescribed in the River Law revised in 1997 below. The Rokkakugawa River meanders through the low-lying flood-prone Saga Plain which is characterized as very flat low land: most parts are only 0-3m above sea level while tidal range of the Ariake Sea is more than 6 m. The discharge of water currently depends very much on pumping stations (total capacity about 350m3/s), so this has increased the risk of inland water flooding. The Plan not only includes some retarding ponds but also recognizes the integrated approach such as land use control, flood proofing and emergency response. The plan document can be downloaded at our homepage (Japanese only):


Rokkakugawa River Basin

River Law revised on 4 June 1997

(The River Improvement Plan )
Article 16-2.

River administrators shall establish a plan to improve the river concerned hereinafter referred to as the river improvement plan for the section for which river improvement shall be implemented deliberately in accordance with the fundamental river management policy.

2 The river improvement plan shall comply with the fundamental river management policy and as provided for in the Government Ordinance 16-2-2), enabling an integrated administration of the river concerned. In such cases, the river administrator shall give special consideration to take necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of disasters and/or mitigate damages for those areas where disasters frequently occur due to precipitation, topography, geology and other conditions.

3 When river administrators intends to draft a river improvement plan , he shall consider opinions from persons with experience or an academic background when necessary.

4 In connection with the previous paragraph (Paragraph 3), river administrators shall take necessary measured, such as public hearings etc., to reflect the opinion of the people concerned whenever necessary.

5 When river administrators intend to establish a river improvement plan, he shall consider opinions from concerned prefectrural governors and mayors in advance as provided in Government Ordinance.

6 When river administrators establishes a river improvement plan, he shall make a public notification to that effect without delay.

7 Paragraphs 3 to 6 shall be applied mutatis mutandis for amendments to the river improvement plan.

(The River Law with commentary by article, cited from )




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