On 6 June 2011, all mayors of all municipalities (3 cities and 3 towns) in Rokkakugawa-basin met in the ceremony for comprehensive collaboration in case of major disasters, arranged by MLIT Takeo River Office. Under the legal framework(*) in Japan, the primary responsibility lies with the municipality to take action for flood defense and to mitigate the impact of floods during flooding while the national government takes the responsibility for emergency measures in the event of a large-scale disaster. The agreement clarifies and enhances actual collaboration during large-scale disasters, such as technical advices, logistical supports and IT tools, and administrative procedure for them. The Great Earthquake and disastrous tsunami in last March revealed the necessity for institutional collaboration among local governments.
Mayors of Takeo-city, Omachi-town, Kohoku-town, Taku-city, (MLIT), Ogi-city and Shiroishi-town (from left)
After the signing ceremony, all mayors took part in demonstration drill using IT tools and monitoring their each actual field (road or river).
*Note) Basic Law for Disaster Countermeasures (1961) was legislated after the Ise Bay Typhoon of 1959, an unprecedented disaster with over 5,000 victims. The Law comprehends major natural disasters as well as urban disasters such as fire, and is equipped with as many administrative tools as possible. Around this basic and comprehensive Law a great deal of particular pieces of legislation and ordinances are enacted to make an extensive system of disaster countermeasures, restoration and relief of victims (WMO Legal Case Studies 2006).
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